Try out the outside gym - By the lake Backsjön at Stenhammaren in Backe
Rent a canoe - Bookings at Stenhammarens camping in Backe. 0624- 105 43.
Visit the Heritage center - Open Mon-Fri until 19/7, then call 072-7038226.
Play Stoneage Bowling - At the Heritage center in Backe. Call 072-7038226.
Make your own paper - Svartvik Hand Paper Mill, Bagges väg 4 in Backe.
Hike on 60km paths - Fjällsjö Hiking Eldorado. Check out the information signs.
Look at ancient Rock Art - Visit Mystiska korset, Brattforsen and Bofors.
Fly fishing in Vängel river - For fishing permits call 0624-30038.
Book a hunting experience - Sunnansjögårdens Jakt och Fiske, 070-6558133.
Body treatment - Book yourself a massage, 070-6481510 or 070-5447698.
Second hand shopping - Look out for "Loppis" signs by the road.
Make a Family Trip - Click on the "to do" section above
Shoot on the shooting range - For more info and bookings, 070-3425787.
Bath in lakes and in the river - Visit the camping's bathing place in Backe.